
BRAVO Initiative develops a social dialogue on sustainable development with a wide range of social partners and active citizens on the basis of the programs and actions that are implemented by ASSOCIATIONS-BUSINESS-LOCAL AUTHORITIES-CIVIL SOCIETY-ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS and SCHOOLS.

BRAVO operates as a mechanism of information, awareness and creating a sustainable culture about Sustainable Development, Responsible Entrepreneurship and Social Responsibility issues through the initiatives that develop and contribute to the CREATION of the GREECE OF TOMORROW.

At the same time, the BRAVO Initiative adds value to organizations’ participation, provided that  people who have been selected from the whole spectrum of the Greek market, institutional bodies, academic institutions, the media and civil society, people who shape the trends in our country:
  • they are informed about initiatives and actions being developed,
  • evaluate on the basis of specific criteria,
  • submit their views in order to further improve them.

All participating initiatives act as good examples to imitate and at the same time encourage other organizations to be inspired by them. It is a multi-stakeholder Initiative that peaks to the highlighting of the best initiatives at the annual event of Bravo Sustainability Awards 2018!".