
Systematic actions and initiatives that are connected to the environmental management of the Organizations. Compliance with environmental standards and terms, climate change mitigation, sustainable methods for environmental management and practices reducing carbon footprint. Best practices regarding the use of natural resources, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, management of solid and liquid waste, protection of ecosystems and biodiversity, sustainable agriculture, sustainable transports and mobility, sustainable urban construction and town planning, awareness raising on Environment.

1. Management of Resources 

Prudent use of resources during production or implementation of the plans of an Organization. Presentation of methods/systems for management of resources and disclosure of the degree to which the natural resources (water use and disposal, greenhouse gas emissions, soil etc.) are used for its activities as well as of possible energy audits it conducts.  

2. Use of Natural Resources & Waste Management 

Disclosure of qualitative and quantitative goals of the Organization regarding the performance of natural resources and energy, the use of renewable sources of energy, increase of productivity of raw materials, how these goals have been met or will be met in the future. Complete waste management and ways to decrease the amount of waste (prevention and minimizing of waste production, waste bins installation/implementation of recycling programs/reuse of materials, compost procedures, biological cleaning system, safe disposal of waste, etc.)

3. Climate-relevant emissions 

Practices that the Organization develops with the purpose of mitigating the effects of Climate Change. The Organization discloses the green-house gas emissions and reports on the goals it has set to reduce the emissions produced.

4. Protection of ecosystems & biodiversity 

Actions that the Organization develops in order to reverse the direct and indirect negative effects on biodiversity in protected areas or areas of high biodiversity value except for protected areas (for example restoration of high biodiversity value areas, redevelopment of natural scenery etc.).

5. Sustainable Agriculture 

Development of agricultural activity by the Organization in line with environmental terms or development of practices-programs of sustainable agriculture (for example biological agriculture, limited use of pesticides, etc).

6. Actions for awareness raising on environmental issues 

Initiatives and collaborations that the Organization develops in order to protect the environment (for example informative campaigns, educational actions & actions for awareness raising of employees, intervention actions in cooperation with other bodies, etc.)

7. Sustainable transportation and mobility 

Energy-efficient and eco-friendly developmental actions for transportation networks and measures for mobility management (for example practical use of “green” solar buses, creation of bicycle paths and infrastructures for free use of bicycles etc.)

8. Sustainable Urban Construction and Town Planning   

Complete interventions-policies that improve the structure and function in ways that are consistent with sustainability (for example creating fertile ground for green building construction etc.)